ACCELERATE your startup.
Is your startup showing signs of distress. Do you want to accelerate your business growth and gain traction faster? Then this is your programme!
- This is a 3 month BQA Accredited Level 3 intensive action-based training and mentoring programme targeting early stage businesses that emphasizes enhancement of entrepreneurial skills, as well as strategic decision making for SMME business owners.
- Participants are exposed to innovative methodologies used by successful entrepreneurs around the globe through which they identify their company’s unique value proposition by understanding customers’ problems and defining innovative solutions (products or services).
- Using the Lean Start-up methodology participants identify gaps in their current business model and implement strategic plans to accelerate their business growth.
- Coaches meet with participants on a weekly basis to review progress during the four phases and more importantly, during phase 2 and 3 where learners identify gaps (diagnose) in their business model and translate those into business opportunities through an acceleration plan.
- The objective of this programme is to help entrepreneurs accelerate their business’s growth, by equipping them with a step-by-step blueprint to put any market opportunities or business ideas into action.
The programme focuses on Finance, Marketing (including Branding), Legal and Business Strategy. The programme is structured into 2 intensive week long trainings and 10 weeks of one on one business sessions with a Business Coach.
Programme Aims
The aim of the Venture Acceleration Programme can be broadly stated as providing participants with:
- Knowledge of the process of new experiential learning and change management approach
- Knowledge and comprehension of the business environment in Botswana.
- A primer in strategic thinking to diagnose business’s current situation, identify gaps across the different areas of the business and develop strategic plans to improve.
- Techniques of accelerating business growth.
- Competency in gathering market data, analyze it and make strategic decisions for the business.
- Skills in self-awareness and communication to identify strengths and areas of opportunity as an entrepreneur
- Leadership skills to foster innovative thinking throughout the entrepreneurship process.
- Leadership and people management skills applied in an enterprise
- Best practices for translating business plans/models into actionable steps of tactical implementation.