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Entrepreneurship Masterclasses

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A business BOOST for your startup. Broaden your Entrepreneurial scope and Knowledge.

Our 2 Day masterclasses have been designed by industry experts to give you skills in specific disciplines of business. Through action-based experiences, each of these programmes tackle specific areas of entrepreneurship skills development in a very unique way.

  1. Entrepreneurial Mindset MasterClass

The MasterClass covers enterpreneurship wholistically, business ethics, the characterisc of a successful entrepreneur, own motivations to start a business, individual entrepreneural characteristics and matching personal motivations and skills to the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies.


  1. Business Modelling MasterClass

Business Modelling approached in an innovative way! The MasterClass explains business modelling and compares and contrasts types of business models, evaluates business operations using the Business Model CANVAS and Lean Start up Methodology as a backbone.


  1. Business Leadership MasterClass

This MasterClass will assist you to Distinguish between leadership and management in the context of business. You will be taught to identify qualities of a good leader, describe the responsibilities of leadership in an enterprise, identify and describe a range of leadership styles consistent with professional practice and guide you to adopt effective steps towards realizing your own personal leadership style.


  1. Strategy for Entrepreneurs MasterClass

Through this MasterClass, you will be given insights on how to identify strategies for development of your organisation or start up. The MasterClass equips you as a business leader with skills and knowledge of how to form effective business strategies and tackles all the critical issues surrounding their implementation. You will be equipped to create high quality business strategies and analyse key internal and external challenges for the organisation using SWOT analysis model.


  1. Incorporation Procedures MasterClass

The MasterClass covers Starting a Business (all forms and procedures that need to be completed), Staying Complaint, Managing Taxes and Protecting Ideas (Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights).

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